Harsha unveils blueprint to bolster SL out of crisis

  • Presents 10-point common minimum plan for economy; laments lack of action by Govt.
  • Says Opposition to support process through Parliamentary committees
  • Warns delays impact confidence and recovery

By Darshana Abayasingha

In the absence of a specific roadmap for economic recovery and development from the Government, the Opposition has taken “a bold step” to provide the Government with its own blueprint titled ‘Out of the Debt Trap and Towards Sustainable Inclusive Development’, said SJB MP Dr. Harsha De Silva yesterday. 

The document presented in Parliament by De Silva on Friday consisted of a 10-point common minimum program for Sri Lanka’s economic recovery.

Addressing the media, De Silva said it has been months now since Wickremesinghe became Prime Minister and now President, and whilst the main Opposition agrees with his broad game plan for Sri Lanka’s economic recovery, there has not been any specifics spelt out thereafter. The SJB MP expressed concern on the delay, noting that Sri Lanka has no time to lose and people are losing confidence there is no plan.

De Silva noted this common minimum program for economic recovery had been approved by almost all parties in Opposition when the SJB supported the candidacy of Dullas Alahapperuma for President. 

De Silva has been nominated to be the Chairman of Parliament’s Committee on Public Finance (COPF), in which he hopes to speak with all political parties to implement a common program. 

He expressed his appreciation that for the first time an opposition MP has been appointed Chairman of COPF and added he hopes to demonstrate through his efforts there that an MP could contribute effectively to policy development and action without accepting any ministerial portfolios.

He remarked the Blueprint encompasses two aspects that include his own economic proposals which have been endorsed by  has been endorsed by the other two members of the SJB Economic Committee MPs Kabir Hashim and Eran Wickramaratne plus, suggestions shared by Prof. Rohan Samarajiva under the guidance of National Movement of Social Justice Chairman and former Speaker Karu Jayasuriya. De Silva said the proposals from the NMSJ include views from diverse groups on their proposals for economic recovery.

“This is a rich document with ideas from multiple sources. It is a specific document with proposals on 10 aspects: Debt Crisis Management, Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy, Revenue Consolidation, Expenditure Control, Public Sector Management, Energy and Utilities Reform, Trade and Industry Promotion, Factor Market Reform, Stronger Social Safety Nets and Transparency. 

“Each of this has been broken down into specifics and are detailed as to what needs to be done and when it must be done. We are hoping this will become the base document for discussion amongst members of Parliament and also outside. The Government can take it and amend it, including others, and we can all hopefully get on the same page and reach an agreement to implement it,” De Silva said.

He also invited the Government, opposition parties, international partners, as well as all other relevant stakeholders to use the blueprint to start the conversation on how best to bring Sri Lanka out of this socio-economic crisis.

With official Government inflation at 60% and food inflation at 80% the Sri Lankan public has become significantly poorer, and with no solutions in sight, it has become imperative to let such views be known, he said.

The SJB MP also noted that he together with his party had made several representations to the then Government and President on the economy, and had they listened Sri Lanka would not be bankrupt today. He added that Sri Lanka has little time to lose to restructure its debt and embark upon a programme with the IMF, as tensions between India and China could add further stress to the program. 

“The President is trying to form an all-party Government and that is good. But what is the plan, and for how long and who will come? Most political parties have rejected this call. If some MPs join on an individual basis that is fine, but those are their personal objectives and agendas. But that is not an all-party Government. So in that backdrop, we have decided to support the objectives of the people in parliament through the committees.” 

De Silva remarked the current Government has no mandate from the people, and expressed hope the public would be given the opportunity to exercise their franchise at a general election after March New Year and form a Government that is acceptable to the public and its stakeholders. Sri Lanka must bring down the walls it has built around itself due to short-sighted policies and focus on building bridges with the rest of the world, he said.